Monday, 27 May 2013


A drawing of my  Alliance Gryphon hatchling plushie. Also one of my first tries at shadows and perspective. Though it's a little smudged I am satisfied with the result.


Katarina was the first character from a video game I actually finished drawing. As I normally just sketch it was challenging to put in a lot of detail, especially because I had to erase a lot and I cant use photoshop layers with pen and paper. Her face and left arm are slightly off, but the paper was getting ruined from all the erasing and redrawing,  so I had to leave it like that.


I drew a similar crab when I was around 11 years old, and a few months back I found the drawing in my desk. The drawing was ruined and the color (it was drawn with a blue pencil) faded. So I decided to redraw it, also quite curious how my style had changed after 7 years.

I often like the simple, sterilized style of drawing, more a design and sketch than an actual drawing. I also like crabs.