Wednesday, 29 May 2013


My gf's Game Boy and one of the Pokémon games (red).

I've not yet had drawing lessons in any kind, so for improvising, I think it turned out quite nicely.

I tried to do as much detail as possible. It turned out ok, though I think I can do better. In the second one I wanted to do some lines as kind of guidelines for the perspective but it didn't work out, so what I couldn't erase I turned into the notebook the game was laying on.


I wanted a challenge so I started drawing a crunched Red Bull can.

 I had the lights and reflections so well, but when I tried to do the color pattern and the logo and letters and so on, it completely ruined it. The result looks... decent enough but it was so much better when I started. This paper is kind of rough so it was a real challenge to make the reflections and the shine look like a real metal can. A lot of fun nonetheless.


It's a big concrete giraffe in a park in Sofia. 

This guy is a very important part of my childhood, and one day, in a burst of nostalgia, I went to the park and drew him.