Sunday 26 May 2013


My first finished drawing with a tablet. Inspired by a children's book "Le Petit Prince" and drawn in my own (kind of) style, using only one brush in Photoshop with only one setting. It was interesting to test how much I can do with just one tool.

And this one is a drawing of my turtle plushie, and my first attempts to use photoshop and a tablet.
When I do digital art for this kind of style I always use outline everything, and sometimes with a brighter color than the one used on the object itself, which is mostly the case with darker or black objects (like Clappy's tire on the next pic)

A gamer joke, caricature and crude, fast drawing of characters from 2 different games. The first is Claptrap from Borderlands, who considers the player as his minion and often screams at him in the very annoying voice he is known for. And the other is a purple caster minion from League of Legends. I saw something similar on a blog, and decided to draw it myself with my own kind of style for my girlfriend.

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