Sunday, 26 May 2013


I took the initiative to make banners for the websites of a few World of Warcraft guilds I've been in. Simple Photoshop work but it took a lot of time especially for the first one, as I always prefer to manually crop out a logo or call to arms banner etc out of a jpg file. And especially for the first I worked with another person from the guild that was making the decision on how the banner should look like, so it took hours to adjust the font, font color, background, brightness, saturation of the full banner and the levels until we were both satisfied with the result.

 This is the final result for the above mentioned process.

And the extended version used for the guildsite.

And the same thing for the other guild. The person choosing the style was the same, therefore I didnt need to do a lot more in the second one as I already knew what she wanted.

*Note: The background appears a lot brighter than it does on the taken out of context pictures here.

And this one is more of a joke (obviously) for the name of the previous guild before it was changed to a serious guild called Awakening.

Other than the banners I mostly help the guildsites with suggestions and feedback.

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